Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Hormone therapy not recommended for disease prevention: U.S. panel

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Source: http://news.yahoo.com/hormone-therapy-not-recommended-disease-prevention-u-panel-210538039--finance.html

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Career Services Advisor - HigherEdJobs

Category Career Services
Division The Art Institutes
Minimum Education Required Bachelor's Degree
Job Code 33013
Location Illinois Institute of Art - Chicago Chicago, IL 60654, US
Open Date 09/30/2012
Travel Required 0 - 20%

Job Summary

Meet the employment and salary goals of graduates assigned. Develop employment opportunities for graduates through various and well established techniques. Maintain detailed employment information and file maintenance on graduates. Incumbent must assure that the EDMC philosophy: quality services to clients; development, growth, involvement and recognition of employees; sound economic principles; and an environment which is conducive to innovation, positive thinking and expansion - is considered in carrying out the duties and responsibilities of this position.

Key Job Elements

  • Schedules, conducts, and documents an exit interview with each pending graduate assigned. Maintains a partnership between graduate and the Career Services Center in order to successful assist graduate in finding employment within six months after graduation. Serves as advocate for students/graduates in the job search process, including salary negotiation. Develop, track, report and document graduate employment program, graduate files of employment, and success stories.
  • Plans and conducts marketing calls and direct mail marketing follow-up with possible employers. Educates employers on curriculum and competitive compensation. Plans and conducts employer visits and on-campus recruiting. Actively and routinely seeks employer feedback and researches industry trends. Shares this information when appropriate within the school to aid in the development/enhancement of curriculum and successful outcomes for graduates.
  • Works closely with the Professional Development Instructors and Director of Career Services to contribute to course content and coach graduates and students on career search strategies, personal marketing, interview skills, self-promotion methods and materials.
  • Develops partnership with Student Employment Advisor to maximize field-related opportunities for students as well as with Alumni Coordinator to maximize opportunities for graduates and industry networking
  • Other duties as assigned.
Reports To:

Director of Career Services

Directly Supervises:

Work study students as assigned

Interacts With:

Department Academic directors, student services staff, faculty, community relations director, all potential employers of alumni/graduates

Job Requirements


  • Bachelor's degree in business, marketing, commercial art, or related field. Equivalent experience could be considered as substitute for education requirements.
  • Two or more years experience in placement/search firm, career counseling, recruitment?or industry-related position, and at least one year experience in a marketing or field-related environment.
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills.
  • Strong interpersonal skills with both faculty and student population.
  • Superior organizational and problem resolution skills.
  • Strong basic computer software (MS Office) skills.
  • Ability to interact effectively as a member of a team and work collaboratively with other departments.
  • Ability to listen to customers (e.g. students, staff, etc.) and to understand and respond positively to their requests.
  • Ability to work without close supervision and to set one's own priorities and work schedule.
  • Ability to work effectively under pressure and to meet frequently occurring deadlines.
  • Ability to conduct business with attention to ethical considerations, employment law and school/accreditation guidelines.

Candidates must be available evenings and Saturdays.

Work Environment

The work environment characteristics described here are representative of those an employee encounters while performing the essential functions of this job. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable qualified individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions. The term "qualified individual with a disability" means an individual with a disability who, with or without reasonable accommodation, can perform the essential functions of the position. While performing the duties of this job, the employee is regularly required to communicate professionally in person, over the telephone, through email and other electronic means, move about the office or school, handle various types of media and equipment, and visually or otherwise identify, observe and assess. The employee is occasionally required to lift up to 10 pounds unless otherwise specified in the job description.


The intent of this job description is to provide a representative and level of the types of duties and responsibilities that will be required of positions given this title and shall not be construed as a declaration of the total of the specific duties and responsibilities of any particular position. Employees may be directed to perform job-related tasks other than those specifically presented in this description. Education Management Corporation is an Equal Opportunity Employer and embraces diversity as a critical step in ensuring employee, student and graduate success. We are committed to building and developing a diverse environment where a variety of ideas, cultures and perspectives can thrive.

The Illinois Institute of Art is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

Source: http://www.higheredjobs.com/details.cfm?JobCode=175684056

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Monday, October 22, 2012

Evangelical Voter Push by Romney Supporters (WSJ)

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Rice agriculture accelerates global warming: More greenhouse gas per grain of rice

ScienceDaily (Oct. 19, 2012) ? More carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and rising temperatures cause rice agriculture to release more of the potent greenhouse gas methane (CH4) for each kilogram of rice it produces, new research published in this week's online edition of Nature Climate Change reveals.

"Our results show that rice agriculture becomes less climate friendly as our atmosphere continues to change. This is important, because rice paddies are one of the largest human sources of methane, and rice is the world's second-most produced staple crop," said Dr Kees Jan van Groenigen, Research Fellow at the Botany Department at the School of Natural Sciences, Trinity College Dublin, and lead author of the study.

Van Groenigen, along with colleagues from Northern Arizona University and the University of California in Davis, gathered all published research to date from 63 different experiments on rice paddies, mostly from Asia and North America. The common theme in the experiments was that they measured how rising temperatures and extra carbon dioxide in the atmosphere affect rice yields and the amount of methane that is released by rice paddies.

The research team used a technique called meta-analysis, a statistical tool for finding general patterns in a large body of experimental data. "Two strong patterns emerged when we analysed all the data: first, more CO2 boosted emissions of methane from rice paddies, and second, higher temperatures caused a decline in rice yields," explained Professor Bruce Hungate of Northern Arizona University and co-author of the study.

Methane in rice paddies is produced by microscopic organisms that respire CO2, like humans respire oxygen. More CO2 in the atmosphere makes rice plants grow faster, and the extra plant growth supplies soil microorganisms with extra energy, pumping up their metabolism. Increasing CO2 levels will also boost rice yields, but to a smaller extent then CH4 emissions. As a result, the amount of CH4 emitted per kilogram of rice yield will increase. Rising temperatures were found to have only small effects on CH4 emissions, but because they decrease rice yield, they also increase the amount of CH4 emitted per kilogram of rice. "Together, higher CO2 concentrations and warmer temperatures predicted for the end of this century will about double the amount of CH4 emitted per kilogram of rice produced.," explained Professor Chris van Kessel of the University of California in Davis and co-author of the study.

"Because global demand for rice will increase further with a growing world population, our results suggest that without additional measures, the total CH4 emissions from rice agriculture will strongly increase..."

However, the authors point out that there are several options available to reduce CH4 emissions from rice agriculture. For instance, management practices such as mid-season drainage and using alternative fertilizers have been shown to reduce CH4 emissions from rice paddies. Moreover, by switching to more heat tolerant rice cultivars and by adjusting sowing dates, yield declines due to temperature increases can largely be prevented, thereby reducing the effect of warming on CH4 emissions per yield. "These findings, together with our own results really stress the need for mitigation and adaptation measures to secure global food supply while at the same time keeping greenhouse gas emissions in check." van Groenigen concluded.

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Story Source:

The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Trinity College Dublin, via AlphaGalileo.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Kees Jan van Groenigen, Chris van Kessel, Bruce A. Hungate. Increased greenhouse-gas intensity of rice production under future atmospheric conditions. Nature Climate Change, 2012; DOI: 10.1038/nclimate1712

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.

Source: http://feeds.sciencedaily.com/~r/sciencedaily/top_news/~3/9rvtJaY7M8g/121021154455.htm

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Sunday, October 21, 2012

McGovern an unwavering, often unrequited, liberal

CHAPEL HILL, N.C. (AP) ? George McGovern was an unwavering, often unrequited advocate for liberal Democratic causes. He pursued those goals in plainspoken, usually understated, Midwestern style. He was a dedicated, decent man, a devoted Democrat even when the party establishment turned away from him in defeat.

He wasn't good at political gamesmanship. He suffered his worst blunders when he strayed from straight talk in his doomed 1972 presidential campaign. It didn't fit the man and it shook the credibility he treasured.

McGovern was a partisan without the poison that increasingly infected American politics. In his career-long quest for programs to feed the hungry, in the U.S. and worldwide, he worked in partnership with Bob Dole, former Republican leader of the Senate where they'd both served.

During his years of political retirement ? he lost his South Dakota Senate seat in 1980 ? McGovern remained active, lecturing, teaching and writing. He even waged a token presidential campaign in 1984. He'd also run briefly for the 1968 nomination after the assassination of Sen. Robert F. Kennedy.

In his 2011 book, "What It Means to Be a Democrat" he summed up his credo:

"Above all, being a Democrat means having compassion for others. ... It means standing up for people who have been kept down ..."

That was the essence of his program during four terms in the House, three in the Senate, and a doomed and crushed presidential campaign in 1972. By the time he was nominated for the White House, McGovern had been marginalized by rivals in his own party, who argued that he was too far left to be elected. That probably was so, but President Richard M. Nixon was the overwhelming favorite against any Democratic challenger.

McGovern got just 37 percent of the vote to Nixon's 61, carrying only Massachusetts and the District of Columbia. Embittered, he considered whether to even stay in politics, especially as other Democrats made him a symbol of what ailed them and kept him off their stages. McGovernite became a label for losers. But he went back to the Senate, and within months he could joke ruefully about his landslide loss.

"I opened the doors of the Democratic Party and 20 million people walked out," McGovern later joked of his reform commission, which had broadened the nominating process, driven out the old party bosses and ultimately made the presidential primaries the arenas for choosing nominees of both parties.

There was nothing strident about McGovern; even when his words were harsh, his delivery tended to be bland. As a young man, he had been a warrior, and a heroic one. As a senator, he opposed U.S. involvement in Vietnam from the beginning, in 1963. Arguing in 1970 for legislation to cut U.S. war spending and force troop withdrawal, he offended his colleagues by telling them, "This chamber reeks of blood," vehement words delivered in the matter-of-fact McGovern style. His 1972 presidential campaign proposals included withdrawal from Vietnam, amnesty for draft evaders and steep cuts in the Pentagon budget.

For a time, he also advocated a $1,000 tax grant to every American to replace complex welfare and income support programs, saying the needy could spend it and the wealthy would pay it back in taxes. It came with no numbers, no estimate of the cost, although McGovern claimed, against arithmetic and logic, that it would balance out at zero. He dropped that idea, but the Republicans never did.

That spoke to one of his chronic political problems. He was an idea man, not a manager. Witness the uncontrolled chaos of his nominating convention, dramatized when assorted Democratic interest groups spent so much time talking that McGovern did not get to deliver his own acceptance speech until 2:48 a.m., long after the TV audience had gone to bed.

But one of his best-remembered, and most unfortunate, lines came later ? after his unvetted selection of Sen. Thomas Eagleton of Missouri as his running mate turned into a political disaster with the disclosure that Eagleton twice had undergone electric shock therapy for depression. McGovern said he was "1,000 percent" for Eagleton and wasn't dropping him from the ticket. But he had to. Then he had to shop for a running mate, with five Democrats declining before Sargent Shriver finally said yes.

So if there'd been any doubt about his outcome against Nixon, it was erased before the fall campaign even began. McGovern was frustrated because Nixon stayed at the White House and seldom campaigned at all. McGovern called him the most corrupt president in American history, as The Washington Post published a succession of Watergate disclosures. Nixon just denied it all.

The political pain would ease. More devastating was the death in 1994 of his daughter, Teresa, who had suffered mental illness and alcoholism, and froze to death in a snowbank near a bar where she'd been drinking in Madison, Wis. "You never get over it, I'm sure of that," he said. "You get so you can live with it, that's all." McGovern and his wife Eleanor, who died in 2007, had four daughters and one son.

McGovern wrote a book, "Terry," about his daughter's life struggle, the family impact and his own worry that his political preoccupations had somehow contributed to her troubles. He used the proceeds to open the Teresa McGovern Center in Madison to help others afflicted by addictions.

As a candidate, McGovern had to fend off conservative claims that he was weak on national defense, a naive peacenik ? that he had, according to the far right, shirked combat, which was a lie. He was a decorated World War II pilot with 35 combat missions in B-24 bombers.

It could have been a campaign asset, but he talked little about it. He did in a Labor Day speech: "I still remember the day when we were hit so hard over Germany that we were all ready to bail out. So I gave this order to the crew: 'Resume your stations. We're going to bring this plane home.' I say to you and to people everywhere who share our cause: 'Resume your stations. We're going to bring America home.'"

That last line became the standard closing of his campaign speech. But he didn't repeat the details of the mission that won him the Distinguished Flying Cross for safely landing his crippled B-24. Perhaps he should have said more about his service, he said later, "but I always felt kind of foolish talking about my war record ? what a hero I was."

That he did not was typical George McGovern.


EDITOR'S NOTE ? Walter R. Mears, who reported on government and politics for The Associated Press in Washington for 40 years, covered George McGovern in the Senate and in his 1972 presidential campaign.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/mcgovern-unwavering-often-unrequited-liberal-114807671--politics.html

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Takrar on Express news ? Crime shows and their effects on society ...

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AP PHOTOS: The life and times of George McGovern

AAA??Oct. 21, 2012?9:16 AM ET
AP PHOTOS: The life and times of George McGovern

FILE - In this March 25, 1974 file photo, U.S. Senator George McGovern,looks out an airplane window on a flight to Pierre, S.D., to begin a four-day campaign swing. A family spokesman says, McGovern, the Democrat who lost to President Richard Nixon in 1972 in a historic landslide, has died at the age of 90. According to a spokesman, McGovern died Sunday, Oct. 21, 2012 at a hospice in Sioux Falls, surrounded by family and friends. (AP Photo, File)

FILE - In this March 25, 1974 file photo, U.S. Senator George McGovern,looks out an airplane window on a flight to Pierre, S.D., to begin a four-day campaign swing. A family spokesman says, McGovern, the Democrat who lost to President Richard Nixon in 1972 in a historic landslide, has died at the age of 90. According to a spokesman, McGovern died Sunday, Oct. 21, 2012 at a hospice in Sioux Falls, surrounded by family and friends. (AP Photo, File)

FILE - In this undated file photo, Sen. George McGovern sits in the cockpit of a training plane. A family spokesman says, McGovern, the Democrat who lost to President Richard Nixon in 1972 in a historic landslide, has died at the age of 90. According to the spokesman, McGovern died Sunday, Oct. 21, 2012 at a hospice in Sioux Falls, surrounded by family and friends.(AP Photo, File)

FILE - In this Jan. 24, 1961 file photo, President John F Kennedy talks, with George McGovern, right, a special presidential assistant who also is director of the Food for Peace program, at the White House in Washington. A family spokesman said he passed away peacefully, surrounded by family and life-long friends early Sunday morning Oct. 21, 2012. He was 90. (AP Photo, File)

FILE - In this June 1960 file photo, U.S. Rep. George McGovern, joins Sen. John F. Kennedy on the campaign trail in Sioux Falls, S.D. A family spokesman says, McGovern, the Democrat who lost to President Richard Nixon in 1972 in a historic landslide, has died at the age of 90. According to a spokesman, McGovern died Sunday, Oct. 21, 2012 at a hospice in Sioux Falls, surrounded by family and friends. (AP Photo, File)

FILE - In this Feb. 28, 1961 file photo, George McGovern sits at his desk in Washington, D.C. A family spokesman says, McGovern, the Democrat who lost to President Richard Nixon in 1972 in a historic landslide, has died at the age of 90. According to a spokesman, McGovern died Sunday, Oct. 21, 2012 at a hospice in Sioux Falls, surrounded by family and friends. (AP Photo, File)

Proud liberal. Staunch foe of the Vietnam War. Decorated World War II bomber pilot. Three-time U.S. senator. Presidential candidate dealt a crushing defeat by Richard Nixon in 1972.

George McGovern left an enduring legacy when he died Sunday morning at age 90.

"We are blessed to know that our father lived a long, successful and productive life advocating for the hungry, being a progressive voice for millions and fighting for peace," a family statement said.

Here's a photographic look at McGovern's life and political times.

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/386c25518f464186bf7a2ac026580ce7/Article_2012-10-21-US-Obit-McGovern-Photo-Gallery/id-de39cb184d4f4258a24f873bd80c7d50

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Saturday, October 20, 2012

Christina Aguilera: "I Don't Like to Wear Underwear"

Christina Aguilera is kind of tired of being the butt of talk-show host Chelsea Handler's jokes.

Source: http://www.ivillage.com/christina-aguilera-i-dont-wear-underwear/1-a-495468?dst=iv%3AiVillage%3Achristina-aguilera-i-dont-wear-underwear-495468

kelly clarkson playoffs empty nest nbc sports bengals vs texans nfl playoffs cincinnati bengals

Nokia CEO says carriers will come crawling to Windows Phone 8 any day now


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Sony to start Xperia upgrades to Jelly Bean by mid-Q1, rules out all 2011 phones

Sony Xperia T review close-up

We've got mixed news for those who were wondering just where Sony's Jelly Bean updates were headed. The good? Sony has narrowed down its upgrade schedule for the Xperia T, Xperia TX and Xperia V to the middle of 2013's first quarter, or roughly February. Just about every other reasonably capable 2012 model is also getting an upgrade once Sony has narrowed down the timetable, ranging from the Xperia S through to the Xperia ion and Xperia go. Brace yourself for the dark side of the news, however: not a single 2011 Xperia phone will make the Jelly Bean leap, no matter how quick or recent it might be. The company was "not able to guarantee" the experience the devices would have with the newer OS, we're told. While we know that some older phones would have been borderline at best, that cutoff won't be pleasant for anyone whose Xperia Arc S is already out of the Android upgrade loop after less than a year.

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Sony to start Xperia upgrades to Jelly Bean by mid-Q1, rules out all 2011 phones originally appeared on Engadget on Fri, 19 Oct 2012 09:04:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Friday, October 19, 2012

Martian genome: Is there DNA on the Red Planet?

Craig Venter helped crack the human genome, created the first synthetic cell and has scoured the sea for novel genomes. Now he has set his sights on Mars.

Earlier this week at the Wired Health Conference in New York, he outlined plans to send a robotically controlled genome-sequencing unit, or "biological teleporter", to the Red Planet in order to sequence the genome of alien life that may be there. He's not the first to suggest doing this. Do any of these missions stand a chance?

How will Venter's scheme work?
In short, he wants to send machinery to Mars that can robotically sift through Martian soil to isolate any microbes it contains, sequence their DNA and then beam the digitised results back to Earth. These would be used to create a synthetic version of the Martian genome, which could then be used to recreate Martian life on Earth ? all without having to deal with the difficulties of actually bringing the sample back.

How far along are the plans?
Venter has been scooping DNA from seawater for a number of years, with some interesting results. At Wired Health, he said that similar technologies are beginning to be tested at a Mars-like site in the Mojave Desert in California, as a prelude to a Martian mission. The next planned landing is NASA's InSight mission, scheduled to launch in 2016.

Assuming we can get a gene sequencer to Mars, what are the chances that it will discover life in the soil?
Venter is unequivocal: "There will be DNA life forms there," he said at the conference. NASA's 1976 Viking mission failed to find any evidence that there are or ever were ? but some dispute that. Even if Mars' surface is barren, though, recent surprising discoveries of life deep below Earth's surface ? some of it apparently surviving independently of the sun's energy ? suggest that Mars's rocky interior might contain life.

Venter is certain that subsurface is the best place to seek DNA on Mars: "Life discovery will have to wait until we can drill beyond the surface." On Earth, life goes a long way down ? to at least 3.6 kilometres.

What about past life?
This month's discovery of an ancient riverbed on Mars has certainly got astrobiologists excited. The find, by NASA's Curiosity rover, suggests habitable environments once existed on the planet. However, the river probably dried up several billion years ago, according to the Curiosity team ? too long for any DNA from that era to have survived.

Earlier this month, biologists established that DNA has a half-life ? it breaks down at a roughly predictable rate. Even if conditions are ideal for its preservation, measurable quantities should all but have disappeared 1.5 million years after an organism's death.

So are extinct Martians out of the hunt?
No. A team at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is also building a sequencer called SETG (Search for Extraterrestrial Genomes), that will search for DNA or RNA from past or present life. "We'd be looking for something that's alive or recently dead," says team member Chris Carr ? although he is using "recently" in the geological sense, so could go back as far as a million years. The team has been working on the device for about seven years.

The current incarnation uses a chip built by the company Ion Torrent . The team is already testing parts of SETG in the field. They have brought it to an active volcano in Argentina that is chemically similar to Mars, and they plan to return there in January.

Might DNA survive longer on Mars than on Earth?
It's possible, says Morten Allentoft at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark, who led the DNA half-life study. Conditions on Mars are very different from those on Earth, he says. The surface of Mars is bombarded with radiation, for instance, which could accelerate the break down of DNA in Martian soil. "However, with its dry and cold environment, one could speculate that post-mortem DNA would generally last longer on Mars than on Earth."

Allentoft's team found that DNA decay rates accelerate in the presence of water and oxygen, so the apparent absence of both from the surface of Mars ? at least in the recent past ? could be a bonus for Venter's DNA hunt. "It really is just speculation though," Allentoft cautions.

There's bad news too. The assumption is that Martian life is, or was, microbial. "Any Martian DNA would not be preserved inside hard tissue but in small cells or as fragments of free DNA," says Allentoft. Without the protective environment provided by bone or teeth, DNA degrades much faster, he says.

All these plans assume Martian life is built on a DNA blueprint. If it is, that may add strength to the argument that life on Earth originated on Mars or that life arrived on both planets from meteorites or comets. But it's also possible that Martian life has a different blueprint.

Is Venter a visionary?
"He seems to be very certain that there's DNA there," says Carr. "That's actually really concerning to me--I think there's a good case for why we would do this, but it makes the effort seem more 'fringe' by having certainty." He adds: "We think there's a good chance that it's there, and I definitely think we should be looking for it."

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H&FF Radio rings in the holidays - Credit Union National Association

H&FF Radio rings in the holidays

WASHINGTON (10/19/12)--From affordable ghosts and goblins to savvy holiday savings, Sunday's H&FF Radio program discusses how to plan and spend wisely for happier holidays.
The show, which you also can hear later via the Internet, features Paul Berry, Washington, D.C., journalist and broadcaster, discussing these topics with special guests:

  • "Holiday Retail Outlook." Andrea Woroch, consumer expert, Kinoli Inc., Windsor, Colo., previews prices, products and getting the most for your money.
  • "Is Black Friday Now Irrelevant." Woroch again takes the microphone to talk technology and shopping habits.
  • "Five Ways to Save at Halloween." Savings expert, author and founder of couponmom.com Stephanie Nelson, The?Coupon Mom, Atlanta, tells how to have spooky fun affordably.
  • "Plan Now for Holiday Success." Susan Tiffany, certified credit union financial counselor and director of consumer periodicals, Credit Union National Association (CUNA), Madison, Wis., explains that happy holidays don't just happen--it takes thought and preparation.
  • "Quit the Gym but Not the Workouts." Host Paul Berry gives tips from pricegrabber.com, including how cutting out extras helps garner all-around holiday savings.
Home & Family Finance is a resource center for personal finance information at CUNA. The radio show is sponsored by CO-OP Network, the national credit union ATM network; Cabot Creamery Cooperative, maker of award-winning cheddar; and the Defense Credit Union Council and member credit unions, serving those who serve the country worldwide.
Home & Family Finance airs Sundays at 3 p.m. ET on the Radio America Network. The show also is carried on American Forces Radio Network. The one-hour program devoted to consumer finance issues is brought to you by America's credit unions and their 90 million members, and is presented by CO-OP Network.
CUNA and Radio America are podcasting Home & Family Finance through iTunes, Podcast Alley, Odeo, and other popular podcast library sites, as well as on Radio America and CUNA's websites.
For more information, read "Smart Spending Puts Holiday Shoppers in Control of Cart" and "Create a Spending Plan for a Special Holiday" in the Home & Family Finance Resource Center. NCUAEqual Housing Opportunity

? Home & Family Finance? Resource Center
? Copyright ? 1997-2012 - Credit Union National Association Inc.

Source: http://hffo.cuna.org/11270/article/3632/html

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49ers make just enough plays, hold off Seahawks

San Francisco 49ers quarterback Alex Smith (11) scrambles as he is chased by Seattle Seahawks defensive ends Jason Jones (90) and Chris Clemons (91) during an NFL football game in San Francisco, Thursday, Oct. 18, 2012. The 49ers won 13-6. (AP Photo/The Sacramento Bee, Paul Kitagaki Jr.) MAGS OUT; LOCAL TV OUT (KCRA3, KXTV10, KOVR13, KUVS19, KMAZ31, KTXL40); MANDATORY CREDIT

San Francisco 49ers quarterback Alex Smith (11) scrambles as he is chased by Seattle Seahawks defensive ends Jason Jones (90) and Chris Clemons (91) during an NFL football game in San Francisco, Thursday, Oct. 18, 2012. The 49ers won 13-6. (AP Photo/The Sacramento Bee, Paul Kitagaki Jr.) MAGS OUT; LOCAL TV OUT (KCRA3, KXTV10, KOVR13, KUVS19, KMAZ31, KTXL40); MANDATORY CREDIT

San Francisco 49ers running back Frank Gore (21) rushes past Seattle Seahawks defensive tackle Clinton McDonald during the second half of an NFL football game in San Francisco, Thursday, Oct. 18, 2012. (AP Photo/Marcio Jose Sanchez)

Seattle Seahawks wide receiver Ben Obomanu sits on the sideline at the end of their 13-6 loss to the San Francisco 49ers in an NFL football game in San Francisco, Thursday, Oct. 18, 2012. (AP Photo/Tony Avelar)

(AP) ? Jim Harbaugh's San Francisco 49ers sure have a knack for leaving tough losses behind.

They've never lost two games in a row under the reigning NFL Coach of the Year.

This time, the 49ers had all of four days and no choice but to forget in a hurry; first place in the NFC West was on the line.

Alex Smith threw a 12-yard touchdown pass to Delanie Walker late in the third quarter and San Francisco held off the Seattle Seahawks 13-6 Thursday night to give the 49ers a victory in their long-awaited division opener.

"Coming off a loss, we wanted to go out there and get that mojo back," linebacker Patrick Willis said. "We never lost it, but at the same time, you never want to lose a game. It's a bad taste in everybody's mouth. We just knew we had to come out and play great football against this team tonight."

It wasn't all that pretty, but that hardly matters to the Niners.

They're alone in first place ? for now.

"You lose, you move on and you get ready for your next opponent," defensive tackle Justin Smith said. "It just happened to be Seattle, who's in our division."

Frank Gore ran for 131 yards and the 49ers (5-2) hung tough on defense late in a game featuring two teams allowing fewer than 16 points per game.

Alex Smith went 14 of 23 for 140 yards in a second straight subpar performance.

Walker's score was San Francisco's first touchdown in seven quarters after an embarrassing 26-3 loss to the New York Giants on Sunday in a lopsided rematch of the NFC championship game.

NFC rushing leader Marshawn Lynch finished with 103 yards for Seattle (4-3).

It's now Harbaugh 3, Pete Carroll 0 since these coaching rivals started facing off in the NFL last year after all those memorable moments in the college game.

"That was the most physical 30 minutes of football in the second half that I have ever seen our football team play," Harbaugh said. "It's a sweet win. It was a real football fight, and our guys won it."

The 49ers improved to 5-0 after regular-season defeats since Harbaugh took over before last season.

Pulling off this one could give the 49ers some momentum, too. It was the first of two straight prime-time games for San Francisco, which doesn't play again until Oct. 29 at Arizona.

The defensive fight left the animated coaches shaking their heads and hollering on opposite sidelines all game, offering plenty of entertainment for the sellout crowd of 69,732 at balmy Candlestick Park.

"We found ourselves in a real slugfest here today," Carroll said. "I'm not surprised it could have gone that way with two good defenses and two teams committed to running the ball."

These teams met in Weeks 1 and 16 last season, with the 49ers beating Seattle 33-17 at home for Harbaugh's first victory as an NFL coach.

This one was close until the end.

"We've got to figure something out. We've got to figure out a way to get it done," Seahawks receiver Golden Tate said. "The season's not over. We still have a long way to go, so we can't let this set us back. I think we still have the chance to be a real special team."

After Walker's touchdown, Dashon Goldson intercepted a deep pass by Russell Wilson to thwart Seattle's next drive after NaVorro Bowman clobbered the rookie quarterback as he was trying to throw.

Smith gave the ball back with an interception of his own early in the fourth quarter. His fifth interception of the season matched his total from all of 2011.

Harbaugh went to backup Colin Kaepernick for one keeper play that lost a yard, then Smith returned for third-and-goal on the 7. He scrambled to his left looking for an open receiver and Brandon Browner jumped in front of a pass intended for Randy Moss.

That gave Seattle the ball back with 11:58 remaining. Yet again, the Seahawks couldn't capitalize on a night of missed opportunities and dropped balls.

Gore had his third 100-yard game of the season, not to be outdone by Lynch on the other side.

"I just got in that rhythm, and once I get in that rhythm, I feel I can't be stopped," Gore said.

Lynch carried 19 times and bounced back from a 41-yard outing in Sunday's comeback 24-23 home win against the Patriots. The 49ers and their top-ranked defense hadn't allowed a 100-yard rusher in 22 consecutive home games before New York's Ahmad Bradshaw ran for 116 yards and a touchdown Sunday ? and now the Niners made it twice in five days.

Not that they should have been too surprised. This is Lynch, after all.

The last time they faced off, on Dec. 24, Lynch ran for 107 yards as San Francisco's defense had its streak of not allowing a 100-yard rusher end at 36 games. And his 4-yard touchdown run in the fourth quarter also was the first TD rushing allowed by San Francisco all season.

Wilson, who leading up to the game said that he couldn't wait for his introduction to this heated rivalry, went 9 of 23 for 122 yards, an interception and two sacks after rallying his team late to stun New England.

"The way we lost was frustrating. We could have done some things better," Wilson said. "I could have done some things better."

San Francisco was in control of the division at this stage last season ? sitting at 5-1 ? but needed a big second half Thursday after a quick week of preparation.

Steven Hauschka kicked a 52-yard field goal as Seattle scored first for the seventh time in as many games this year. He added a 35-yarder early in the second quarter, but missed wide left on a 51-yard try later in the quarter.

David Akers, who had eight of his NFL-record 44 field goals in the two games against the Seahawks last season, booted a 38-yarder late in the first quarter to make it 3-3.

NOTES: 49ers LT Joe Staley returned after sustaining a concussion Sunday. ... Seattle lost LB Malcolm Smith to a concussion on the opening kickoff, then WR Doug Baldwin later injured his ankle and did not return.

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/347875155d53465d95cec892aeb06419/Article_2012-10-19-FBN-Seahawks-49ers-Folo/id-9d1eb689af9842a8ba68ce8f4d5f14fd

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Graham family ties tighten with Romney | CharlotteObserver.com

The election-year embrace of Mitt Romney by some evangelical Christians now borders on a bear hug, given a series of moves by Billy Graham and his family that appear to say it?s OK to vote for a Mormon.

This week, the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association removed Mormonism from its list of religious cults.

The reclassification follows Romney?s visit to Graham?s mountain home last Thursday, a meeting that also included Graham?s son Franklin, who now runs the association for his 93-year-old father.

Mormons consider themselves Christians and say their faith tracks the teachings of Jesus. But they give equal stature to the Book of Mormon and the Bible. Several of their beliefs ? including that God the Father, the Holy Spirit and Jesus are separate deities and not part of the divine Trinity ? further separate them from mainstream Christian teachings.

An article on the Graham website had classified Mormons, along with Jehovah?s Witnesses, the Unification Church, Unitarians, Spiritists and Scientologists, among others, as cults.

?Our primary focus at the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association has always been promoting the Gospel of Jesus Christ,? Ken Barun, the evangelical association?s chief of staff, said in a prepared statement.

?We removed the ( cult) information from the website because we do not wish to participate in a theological debate about something that has become politicized during this campaign.?

The Grahams, however, long ago waded into the politics of the presidential campaign. In the current issue of the association?s Decision magazine, Franklin Graham poses the question in a column titled: ?Can an Evangelical Christian Vote for a Mormon??

He answers it with a rousing yes.

?We are at a profound crossroads. Our secularized society has shaken its fist in God?s face and rejected his very name,? Franklin Graham writes. ?? We must not silence our voices when government clashes with the worship of God.

?I pray that all Christians and God-fearing Americans will put aside labels and vote for principles ? God?s principles.?

While Billy Graham has never formally endorsed a candidate, the ties between the family and Romney have grown tighter, starting with Franklin?s call before the South Carolina presidential primary for conservative Christians to not hold Romney?s religion against him. ?We are not electing a pastor-in-chief,? he said at the time.

Mark DeMoss, Franklin Graham?s longtime spokesman, is now a Romney adviser. DeMoss told The Associated Press last week that Franklin Graham ?is doing everything he can to encourage churches to encourage their people to get out and vote.?

The younger Graham has also had his run-ins with President Barack Obama. In 2010, the Army withdrew an invitation for Franklin Graham to speak at a Pentagon prayer breakfast because of his criticism of Islam.

In February, Graham questioned Obama?s Christianity while raising the possibility that the president is a Muslim.

In his Decision magazine column, Franklin Graham cites a statement by former President Bill Clinton that Obama has a plan to ?rebuild America.?

?God-fearing Americans have no desire to see America rebuilt ? but rather restored,? he writes. ?To ?rebuild it? would be to create a new nation without God or perhaps under many Gods.?

The Grahams? actions could further cement conservative Christian support for Romney in the Nov. 6 election, even though most evangelicals don?t consider him a Christian.

That religious divide cost Romney heavily in the South Carolina primary, when he finished a distant second to Newt Gingrich, a Catholic who is twice divorced.

?Romney?s Mormonism will be more a cause of concern than Gingrich?s infidelity,? the Rev. Brad Atkins, president of the S.C. Baptist Convention, said at the time.

Mark Harris, pastor of First Baptist Church of Charlotte and president of the North Carolina Baptist State Convention, says evangelicals now have a clear choice.

?While certainly we differ and have deep theological issues with Gov. Romney?s religion and faith, we do share similar values,? Harris said.

On topics such as same-sex marriage and abortion, ?our values are far more similar than nonsimilar.?

Move to the mainstream

Throughout his six-decade career, Billy Graham made several moves that made Southern evangelicals uncomfortable ? from preaching for integration to including Catholics and more moderate denominations on his crusade teams.

For their part, Mormons have moved more to the cultural, economic and political mainstream, says Bill Leonard, professor of Baptist studies, church history and religion at Wake Forest University.

?Up until the 1950s, you either were a Mormon or you despised the Mormons, because they were considered so weird in the minds of the evangelical majority that there was an almost demonic quality to them.?

Since then, Mormons such as Romney?s father, George, who was the governor of Michigan and ran for president in 1968, and Utah Sen. Orrin Hatch broke public barriers. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints also broke with its longstanding tradition of polygamy. The Mormon Tabernacle Choir became a cultural icon.

Today, Mormons make up about 2 percent of the U.S. population. The Carolinas are home to some 115,000 of the church members.

A Pew Research Center survey earlier this year found that 66 percent of Mormons consider themselves conservative, and almost 75 percent described themselves as Republican or Republican-leaning.

Attempts to reach a local church spokesman were unsuccessful.

In his October column in Decision magazine, Franklin Graham called for the rebirth of a political alliance built on faith ? ?made up of Christians, Jews, Mormons, Catholics ? to take a stand for our religious freedoms and rights.?

Conservative Christians now need those partnerships, Leonard said, given a Pew study this month that showed Protestants are no longer the religious majority in the United States. The fastest-growing religious groups, those not affiliated with a particular church, tend to vote Democratic.

?You could make the case that for the religious right, this is a last-ditch effort in terms of their public privilege, in terms of being the religious majority,? Leonard said.

Some still doubt Mormonism

For now, some other Conservative Christian groups have not followed the Grahams? move.

The Christian Research Institute of Charlotte, which was begun in 1960 to counteract the threat posed by ?cults and other alternative religious systems,? still considers Mormonism a cult.

It says Mormon doctrines ?compromise, confuse or contradict the nature of God, the authority of Scripture, and the way of salvation.?

Even the Billy Graham Evangelical Association website has not been completely scrubbed of concerns about the Mormon religion.

Under the section of ?Billy Graham?s My Answer,? a questioner who has been invited by a couple ?to come to their assembly hall to study the Bible? is warned to be wary of those (like Mormons) that claim ?the books their founder wrote or ?discovered? are from God, and have equal authority to the Bible.?

?Ask God to lead you to a church where Christ is honored and the Bible is taught,? the website counsels.

Source: http://www.charlotteobserver.com/2012/10/17/3603920/graham-family-ties-tighten-with.html

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Sunday, October 14, 2012

The Wild Winds of Fortune: Card game du jour.

Tonight I spent a couple of hours playing "Cards Against Humanity: The Party Game for Horrible People." ?The most commonly repeated line of the evening was "This is just so wrong." ?An Amazon reviewer, commenting on the first expansion pack, stated "Imagine if the family card game 'Apples to Apples' was re-created by Hunter S. Thompson and Charles Manson on an ether bender. That's what you get with 'Cards Against Humanity'. Highly recommended to adults with filthy, filthy minds."

The opening question sort of set the tone:

Question: "What's that smell?" Winning answer: "Dead babies."* ?(I never said that my friends and I were not sick people.)

My favorite question and answer was not in the least gross or suggestive, however:

"This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
not with a bang but with

____________________ ?"

Winning answer:

"The inevitable heat death of the universe." ?(The second time this card came up, the winning answer was even better: ?"Ominous background music.")

Highly recommended for your really twisted inner teenager.

*I usually find "dead baby" jokes really obnoxious. ?The only one I've ever liked was "Why did the dead baby cross the road? ?It was stapled to the back of the chicken." ?That one I like for its complete bizarreness.?

Source: http://madameverdi.blogspot.com/2012/10/card-game-du-jour.html

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O.C. home sales, prices up | percent, sales, month - Business - The ...

Competition among buyers for a drastically reduced number of homes continued to drive up Orange County prices last month, making it tougher for first-time buyers to jump into the market.

Yet there still was enough demand to drive home sales to the highest level for a September in three years, according to figures released Friday from housing tracker DataQuick Information Systems.

High demand and record low inventory drove up Orange County home prices and sales for a fifth consecutive month, housing tracker DataQuick Information Systems reported Friday. The price at the midpoint of all Orange County home sales held steady at $450,000 in September, up 5.9 percent from a year ago.



"We have a painful lack of homes available for sale," said Scott P. Brady, president of the Anaheim-based Pacific West Association of Realtors. He noted that non-distressed "equity" sales now make up the bulk of home sales.

The result: higher prices, higher sales and the lowest inventory since at least 2004. Specifically, DataQuick reported:

?The median price of an Orange County home sold last month was $450,000, up 5.9 percent from September 2011. The median home price has been at or above $450,000 just four other times since prices plummeted by 43 percent in 2008.

?County officials recorded 2,677 homes changing hands last month, up 6.7 percent from year-ago levels. September was the eighth consecutive month of year-over-year sales gains, although last month's annual increase was the second-smallest since the streak began.

September also marked the fifth consecutive month that Orange County saw both home prices and sales on the upswing.

But before people starts popping Champagne corks, consider two sobering facts:

Last month's sales tally still was 27 percent below the September average. And the median home price remains at December 2003 levels, which is 30 percent below Orange County's record price of $645,000, set in 2007.

Record low inventory

Housing insiders said the biggest trend in the market now is the lack of homes for sale.

Steve Thomas of ReportsOnHousing.com reported Friday that homes for sale dropped 60 percent in the past year, falling to 4,191 homes on the market.

"The inventory shed another 5 percent in just two weeks, 10 percent in the past month," Thomas said.

The reason? Foreclosures have all but vanished.

Foreclosures fell by 43.6 percent last month to 338 homes, DataQuick reported. Foreclosed houses ? which once made up almost half of all Orange County house sales ? made up just a tenth of such sales last month.

And even fewer foreclosures likely are in the coming year.

DataQuick reported that default filings fell 48.5 percent last month to 865. It was the first month in five years to see default notices -- recorded after a homeowner is at least 90 days late on mortgage payments ? fall below 1,000 filings.

The result is a greater portion of pricier homes selling at the high end, coupled with hefty price hikes at the low- and mid-ranges of the market.

"No doubt, the tight inventory is driving prices higher," said Phil Schaefer, a Santa Ana agent and former Pacific West Realtor president. "I'm not sure I remember a time with so little inventory."

For example, million-dollar ZIP codes had 139 home sales in September -- up 16 percent vs. a year ago. And sales were up 44 percent in the county's priciest third of ZIP codes, by far the biggest gains in the county.

"There's been a major change in market mix, meaning fewer low-priced sales, fewer foreclosures re-selling, and more sales in middle and upscale markets," said DataQuick President John Walsh.

Indeed, average prices for the most-expensive ZIP codes in the county fell last month by about 0.7 of a percent, DataQuick figures show. Still, home values were up by 4 percent to 5 percent in the county's middle- and bottom-range ZIP codes.

Sellers Market

Gilda Johnson, an agent for Seven Gables Real Estate in Anaheim Hills, sold a house on Orchid Lane last month for $5,000 above the asking price just four days after it went on the market, with several shoppers bidding on it, she said.

The house sold for $80,000 more than a nearly identical home nearby earlier this year.

"We have such a limited inventory and such great (interest) rates, people are saying, 'OK, I'll pay another $30,000,' " Johnson said. "This is an election year, and the economy is the same and gas prices are rising. Yet (home) prices are going up."

Entry-level shoppers are frustrated because much of the buying at the low end is by investors, who pay cash then rent out the homes.

DataQuick reported that likely investors made up 27.3 percent of Southern California homebuyers, while buyers paying all cash accounted for 31.5 percent of the region's transactions.

With home prices rising, buyers face another problem: Loan appraisals often are too low, killing some deals outright. Agents say that appraisals ? based on past sales ? have yet to catch up with the market.

"The only factor keeping a lid on prices is the inability of appraisers to justify this trend," said Pacific West President Brady.

-- Register Business Columnist Jonathan Lansner contributed to this report.

Contact the writer: 714-796-7734 or jcollins@ocregister.com

Source: http://www.ocregister.com/articles/percent-374443-sales-month.html

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